DKIM Explained

DKIM stands for DomainKeys Identified Mail and is used for the authentication of an email that’s being sent. Like SPF, DKIM is an open standard for email authentication that is used for DMARC alignment. A DKIM record exists in the DNS, but it is a bit more complicated than SPF. DKIM’s advantage is that it can survive forwarding, which makes it superior to SPF and a foundation for securing your email.


Starting in 2004 from merging two similar efforts, “enhanced DomainKeys” from Yahoo and “Identified Internet Mail” from Cisco and has since been widely adopted for email authentication.

 What is a DKIM Record?

A domain owner adds a DKIM record, which is a modified TXT record, to the DNS records on the sending domain. This TXT record will contain a public key that’s used by receiving mail servers to verify a message’s signature. The key is often provided to you by the organization that is sending your email, for example SendGridPostmark, or Google Apps.

What is a DKIM Signature?

DKIM gives emails a signature header that is added to the email and secured with encryption. Each DKIM signature contains all the information needed for an email server to verify that the signature is real, and it is encrypted by a pair of DKIM keys. The originating email server has what is called the “private DKIM key,” which can be verified by the receiving mail server or ISP with the other half of the keypair, called the “public DKIM key.”

These signatures travel with the emails and are verified along the way by the email servers that move the emails toward their final destination.

How does DKIM work?

When an inbound mail server receives a message, it will detect the DKIM signature and look up the sender’s public DKIM key in DNS. The variable or DKIM selector provided in the DKIM signature is used to determine where to look for this key. If the key is found, it can be used to decrypt the DKIM signature. This is then compared to the values retrieved from the received mail. If they match, the DKIM is valid.


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Why use DKIM for Email?

Implementing DKIM for email provides major benefits:


  • Protection of message integrity. The content of the email can be verified that it hasn’t been changed while being sent.
  • Increases domain reputation and email deliverability.
  • One of the foundational methods of email authentication for DMARC.

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